Monday 10 May 2010


How many times have you said "I'm starving" or "My mouth is as dry as a fur boot". I'm sure those statements have been exclaimed by many a woman, man, and child over the years. In fact in reality it's probably said at some point during every day of the year - although if I hear my children moaning at dinner time, after having eaten only an hour or so ago, I always argue back "Well your not actually starving are you, there are people starving around the world and your not one of them". Dads eh!
Well an Indian holy man has recently claimed that he has had nothing to eat for seven decades. Not seven years, or months, or weeks, or even hours. Seven decades!
He is currently under 24hour observation by a team of 30 doctors. They are monitoring his every move, involving cameras following him at all times. The tests began on 22 April and so far he hasn't eaten, had a drink, or gone to the toilet! Now he is either a David Blaine wannabe, or he is telling the truth. He has said that a goddess gave him a blessing when he was eight years old enabling him to go without food and water. On the grounds of medical research this test of human endurance could be vital for future generations. Or it could prove that one man is either a freak of nature or mental. What it definately does though is ensure that when my children next say that they are starving I will of course reply "There's an Indian guy who hasn't eaten for seven decades and he's not moaning!" !!!

I am back in the hotel this week and there are some major changes a foot. One of the lads mentioned that he was struggling for accomadation last week so before long I had welcomed a new 'roomy'. The 'Beast' Mark Creighton our centre forward eating, 6ft 3in, tattooed, centre half, is now the official tea maker. We have already found a new eatarie serving desperate dan pies and we have just finished our first game of snooker, good times (especially seeing as I won!!!


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