Wednesday 19 October 2011


After finishing work, and all the children's homework projects, and shopping for all the stuff for all the children's homework projects, and after the after school clubs, and after the track, and after my dinner, and after everything else had been sorted, including and not enjoying getting the clan to bed, I sat down to watch News at Ten and I have to say I was very sad to see what a state this world is in.
What with the Middle East in conflict, half or Europe in political turmoil, Africa still in crisis, and our Country still seemingly in the melting pot of financial instability (I know that was good!) it is understandable that some people don't even turn the news on at all, such is the despair on show. And to be honest I don't blame them because last nights offering really did top it all.
I won't go into detail but it was in China and it was bad, very, very bad.
So this morning I decided that I would champion the simple things and the special people in life. I'm talking about a cheeky smile from your child at the school play, I'm talking about the young mums who are struggling with five bags of shopping and a pushchair and who have probably one hell of a battle on everyday but who just crack on and get on with it. I'm talking about the selfless who care and look after people, I'm talking about a nice phone call or text, a bunch of flowers, a sunset, a handshake, a bag of chips at the seaside, a bike ride with the kid's, a sunny day, a snowy day, an autumnal day, or maybe even a day when it just feels right ?
Of course this may all change tomorrow and it may be another ****** day, but yes, a moment of contemplation it has been.


1 comment:

Jusith said...

I second all of that! I am one of those mum' s who lives everyday working my but off and caring for lot's of people. Taking people In, also ride my bike to do my shopping for said children and extra children I take in. And I do not watch television! Especially not the news, it it so depressing. I look after each and everyone of my children and others, as second nature. I like to do my best in a cruel world.