Thursday 29 July 2010


It was a change of role for me today in the form of a bit of reporting for the BBC. I popped over to Torquay's new training ground to interview one of my old mates Martin Gritton. He is a top lad, a good player, and to cap it all off, he still had his Glastonbury band on! Our little interview will be aired on next week although you may not see some of the 'extras'. Hopefully they will bring a blooper DVD out at Christmas and then 'Grit's' can sit back and cringe!!!!.
I have just had my dinner and soon it's going to be a long, cold, and much needed beer, then another, then bed. Tomorrow I am going in deep, my Indiana Jones mode will be switched to maximum and I will aim to complete my jungle adventure. Full report very soon but for now I'm heading for the beer fridge.


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