Wednesday 22 September 2010


Rude people shopping in Tesco, call centres, online delivery services, greedy people shopping in Tesco, those people who are tight and yet have money, drivers who become Superhero's in their cars, bull****ers, staff at Sports Soccer who can barely function, tradesman who do very little and yet who take the **** with the bill, and last but not least the mental price of petrol. I am of course generalising but these rants are just today's offerings from good old Brits I have come across. We do love a moan don't we! I say it could be worse, we could be living in India or Pakistan, Afghanistan or even France (that was a joke!).
It may be the fact that our summer is coming to an end, or that the cost of living is sky high, it could be the fact that we are being taxed to within an inch of our lives on a daily basis, or it could even be that the 'atmospherics' are effecting our moods, but one thing is for sure, we are a very tense nation at the moment. This nationwide mood was summed up for me this morning, two bus drivers were actually arguing with each other over who should move over! Where was the obligatory hand wave, the nod of acknowledgement of being in the 'firm', where was the flash of the lights and the blocking in of any cars so that the other bus could come out, where was Arthur and where was Olive (younger readers will not get that, I barely do!). They were all absent, and I was left watching on as two bus drivers huffed and puffed away. Come on lads, we live in Devon, let's not get wound up.
Take a leaf out of the book of the lovely old boy I came across the other day, he who reversed a mile back down a country lane to let me and my mate Nigel past. Fair enough Nigel's jeep could have eaten his little car and we would have had to reverse back around twelve miles the other way to let him through, but the kind gentleman in question just kept smiling as he weaved into, and then out of, the thorn bushes that lined both sides of the lane. He must have 'crashed' into the bushes at least fifteen times, and yet each time he would beam away and put his thumbs up at us, as if to say sorry at the time he was taking. When he had eventually reached his destination we gave him a big thumbs up and thank-you, and he was still beaming away with his thumbs up, even though his car was now scratched severely on both sides. Admittedly it would have been hilarious, if at the end of his manoeuvre, he had shouted obscenities to us and waved his fists, but he didn't and that's the point. He was taking whatever was thrown at him in his stride and just dealing with it. Now there is a lesson for us all - and it's not to make sure that when driving down a small country lane you are in a very big jeep!

P.S Footballers back in the headlines, there's a shock.

P.P.S Apologies about the amount of *'s in tonight's blog, it was a bit strong I admit, but I felt in context with the story. Anyway who gives a ****!

P.P.P.S Well done Sammo, go on you 'Cobbler's'.


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