Sunday 5 September 2010

Skate park anyone!

Breaking news. Grandad Iain is crocked. Was it a DIY induced injury or a gardening graze ? No, Grandad Iain, an experienced and intelligent man, did in fact fall off Cameron's skateboard!. The result was a broken wrist, four hours in A and E and a plaster cast. One wrong move and he was on the floor with the skateboard flying through the air.
Chin up Iain I will get you some elbow and knee pads for Christmas!

In other news Mrs Millers birthday was celebrated this weekend. A great night was had by all at Mama Stones with lots of weird drinks, banter, and moves.

Crazy to think that only a couple of blogs ago I stated that footballers were actually out of the headlines for once. Whoops!

Night all.


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