Friday 10 July 2009

Iron Man

A decent run, a long swim and a good paddle. No it wasn't an iron man competition, the lad's all reported to work this morning to warm down, Torquay stlye!.
A short run from Plainmoor and then it was a case of 'kit off' and into the drink - unfortunately, due to the presense of women and children at the beach, I couldn't undertake my annual 'skinny dip'. I was very disappointed but there is always next year!.
The whole squad swam for a while - barring Tyrone and Muzzi who had a nice little paddle in shallow water!. While the Duncan Goodhew squad of Sills, Brough, Mansell and Nicholson tried to reach a tanker out in the distance some of us swam back to shore - we had spotted some cayaks being dispatched to the beach, kindly lent to us by the boat hiring business.
So now we were out of the water, but, on the water!
It was a good laugh speeding past the Goodhew squad with Rowey and Bev's and then speeding back to shore again, even Muzzi and Ty braved it and had a go ( with armbands in place ).
During the drying off/thawing out stage I saw one the funniest things I have ever seen in football ( or swimming ). Let's just say that one of the lads was secretly hiding an acorn somewhere!!!!!!! ( no names mentioned on this one, it's just too private a matter! ). After we had wiped away the tears it was time for a cup of tea and a bacon 'sanger' at the beach cafe - very reasonable as my old pops would say!. And that was that!.
I returned home to recieve some great news, the flat pack nightmare was finally over - two top lads came to the house and picked up the stuff
and restored my faith in Littlewoods ( well their drivers anyway!).


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