Tuesday 7 July 2009

Second day back ( original title eh ! )

Just returned home and sat down, my body is now rejecting all forms of movement. The combination of some hellish running this morning, some equally hellish flat packing this afternoon ( equation: 500 screws + 100 pieces of wood = brain freeze ! ) plus some coaching tonight has resulted in serious rigor mortis for yours truly.
I cannot face the drawer section awaiting me, I am sluuurrring my words in type form ( spell check is on fire ) and Rob Brydon is on the box, so it's goodbye from him, and it's goodbye from me ( The Two Ronnie's if your wondering ). Or is it the other way round!.


P.S The Rob Brydon programme is great - he is basically just talking about the Welsh for 1 hour. It's just like rooming with Toddy for a night but a much shorter version!.

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