Tuesday 21 July 2009

News time

This is a preview ( in 'bullet' form ) to tonight's ( late ) blog posting;

Newquay; Is it becoming the Blackpool of the South ?

Nicotine gum; Whose fault is it that a pupil eats a weeks supply in one go at school?

The Moon; Did the U.S.A land there or not ?

Shamrock Rovers; How well did they do last night ?

Scott Beavan; Is there a girl out there ( in Devon ) for him ?

...............until later



Newquay; In the space of a few weeks there has been three deaths. First two young lads fell from the cliffs and just last Sunday a man died after getting into difficulty in the water.
I have been to the seaside resort quite a bit recently, and I think there could be a bit of a problem.
Although the incident where the poor man died in the water was a tragic accident there are far too many stag parties flying about. The pubs and clubs are going to have to think seriously about putting a stop to big groups of lads piling in to party.
I may sound like a killjoy but if it was your son who lost their life you would feel very differently.

The fact is that my children, like many others, want to enjoy surfing at one of Cornwalls' most famous beaches and I don't want them to have to see a 'drunken nun' being sick at the entrance of WH Smith's. Someone will have to sort it out otherwise it will be ruined as one of our Great British holiday destination, end of story.

Nicotine gum; No it probably should not be given out at school, but come on, do you honestly think that if you eat forty six pieces of the stuff your going to be alright ? your not, your mental!.

The Moon; Did Neil Armstrong really land there?. The original footage has now 'gone missing' and so the conspiracy theories have started again.
My honest opinion is that with millions of people living in poverty in the world, about ten major wars going on and the ozone layer being wafer thin, whether someone landed on the Moon or not is dropping down on the list of importance!. And now the race is back on !!.

Shamrock Rovers; Yes, but at the end the day they lost !!!!!!.

Scott Beavan; Thirteen months and counting, please someone help !!!!.


Wow I forgot, breaking news !. Pete 'Guru' Morgan has shaved off his Moustache !

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