Wednesday 23 September 2009


Tonight, together with Tim Sills, Chris Todd, and Kevin Nicholson, I will be attending a dinner (and Q and A session) at the football club held by the Trust. I am already looking forward to the first question.... "Why aren't you winning". I will pass that question onto Kev though!
It is actually a chance for everyone to chat about last season and also to raise money for the trust and 'Toddy's' charity. The mood we are in at the moment though is more of a 'last season has gone' sort of feeling, still it may stir up some passion as did the last Q and A evening a week before Wembley.
Today, and in the last few weeks and I'm sure in the next few weeks, my wife and I have been deliberating over a huge decision. It isn't what colour we should paint the living room or which card we should transfer over to, it isn't even what ridiculously expensive bag I will have to buy my wife for Christmas. No, the decision to be made is what secondary school our son is going to go to. I'm sure we are not the only ones in the country with this dilemma though and actually the bigger decision will probably be about the bag! I am of course joking.
The standard of facilities at all schools is unbelievable - not like in our day I hear some of you saying, when the nearest you got to a laptop was a calculator from WH Smiths, or when a mild telling off from a teacher was you being used as target practice for their blackboard rubber, and don't even get me going on the school dinners.....a pasta bar !! where has the double chips and beans and the chocolate crunch with pink custard (all for 40p) gone?.
It has all gone with the 'arc' thanks goodness (apart from the chocolate crunch), and the one person who should always have the final say is the person who is going to the school. So Cam will make his own final decision (and then we will make sure he has chosen the right one once he has gone to bed!!!!).


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