Monday 21 September 2009


Extremeley late blog tonight, apologies for that, due to two important pieces of writing. An article on football for the paper was one and the other was a draft for a mate's (and the bridegrooms) speech. I could have gone on for hours to be honest, but for the health of HE readers, and for the sanity of the guests at the wedding, both had to be curtailed. Time flies when you are typing away though, it is also a rarity to get on the laptop at the moment as my wife has dominated it for the last three days, at one point I thought I saw her sat on it incubating an egg. The excitement of getting a new iphone, some ebay remnants, and the constant battle with job hunting does give her a valid excuse though.
My new topic for a rant is Homebase, overpriced, under stocked, and under staffed (although the girl that eventually served me was lovely). I could have ran down the ailse naked, whilst barking like a dog and hopping on one leg without being noticed. And you just try asking anybody for help (B&Q your in this too), they will avoid you like you have a vicious strain of leprosy and love hugging. Rant over, love to all, I'm off to bed.


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