Friday 8 May 2009

Weekend off

We trained on the pitch today, a good high tempo session with the lads all buzzing and ready for action. A few press-ups later and the morning was done.
Tonight is going to consist of a homemade curry and a bit of Johnny Ross. It is a strange feeling on a Friday night with no game the following day. I have said before that playing football is a bit like being inside or being in the Army, with the regimented training every day, the discipline, and the institutionalised feeling ( big word I know!) that you have it is scary to imagine life without that routine of training and of playing games.
I'm not saying that when I stop playing( in years to come!) I will head for the nearest prison or army barracks but I'm sure it will be difficult to adjust. This is probably why so many players go into either coaching or management or on the flip side struggle to cope with finishing and turn to drink - having no trade to fall back on is a common problem for many.
In the short term though having a Saturday off does have it's benefits, tomorrow will involve a stress free morning, lots of coffee and cake and then a few hundred falls off a surfboard. I have toned down my extra-curricular activities to surfing as back in my motocross days I pushed it too far on a few occasions and actually ended up missing a few games!!! - no club mentioned and the season was effectively over but none the less trying to explain a battered ankle after a weekend off was tricky !!.


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